The OFSC Top A and the A104D trails intersect right on the ROCK PINE's property. The trails are literally right at our doorstep. We are located in District 11 - Near North Trails Association. Our property falls within the West Nipissing Snowmobile Club boundaries. The North Bay Snowmobile Club operates south of us and a non-club oriented group of volunteers looks after trails north of us.
Stay with us to enjoy hours and/or days of sledding fun. Go South one day, North the next, West on another day or enjoy one of the many trails that make a loop. The Rock Pine is also part of the extended RAN trip loop, a 3 day long trip around Lake Nippissing. You can even make your way into the Province of Quebec from our location. We connect to the Abitibi-Temiscamingue area.
Park your sled right outside your door. For added convenience we also offer park and go. Start your trip with us, leave your trucks and trailers (we have plenty of parking available) enjoy your tour and we'll see you when you return. We also offer package deals and we have gas on site for your fuel needs.
Some Suggested Rides
To help you plan your trip we've put together some suggested routes and maps
Every group is different so our suggestions range from 97 km to over 900 km
Short Round Trips
South West Tilden Lake Loop - 97.7 km
South East The Portage Tour - 112.2 km
South West Day trips (Sturgeon Falls / Verner) - upto 173 km
Figure 8 ride (combines Tilden Lake & Portage loops) - 192 km
North Trips (Temagami / Latchford / Cobalt) - upto 263 km
Longer Round Trips with more distance
and great places to spend a night if need be
West to Sportsman's Ride - upto 271.3 km
Powassan - Bonfield Trip - 285 km
Temagami/Temiscamingue Loop (into Quebec) - 338 km
Marten River to Sudbury area - 320+ km
OFSC Snow Tours extended to include the Rock Pine
Extended Explorers Snow Tour - upto to 295 km
Extended Ride Around Nipissing (RAN) - upto to 436 km
Extended Chiniguchi Wolf Tour - upto 442 km
Extended Cartier Mosse Loop - upto 600 km
Extended Rainbow Elk Loop - upto 670 km
Extended Round Algonguin Park (RAP) - upto to 895 km
Extended Gold Rush Tour - upto to 907 km

Just a reminder for those visiting us by sled . . . at Beaverland Road we often seen open water on the east side of the highway. Although some people like to come down the hill and run across this water, the trail actually crosses hwy 11 onto the west side has an immediate turn north and makes its way across the bay into the back part of our property. Our property is the junction of the A104D west and A north/south.
Out in front of our fuel pumps the A trail again crosses hwy 11 and continues north towards Temagami. This jig jog is in place to avoid the open water north of Beaverland Road on the east side of the hwy. On different occasions we've had more than one sledder who's attempted this water crossing come in asking us to dry clothing.
We've been told the bay on the west side is a calmer body of water and freezes sooner and better than the east side. Please be safe and follow marked trails. If in doubt you can also take the short jaunt up the shoulder of the hwy into our front parking lot.
Also if for some reason you are running down McLaren road instead of taking the actual A & A104D trails across the bay (maybe you missed the turn or whatever your reason may be) please remember that section of McLaren is a residential area with children playing. SLOW DOWN and be mindful of the residents who live there.